BSEC-PERMIT 2023: The successful road transport tool of the BSEC region continues to grow

On 1st November 2022, the meeting of the BSEC Member States participating in the Project “BSEC Permit System” was realized online.
Successful project of BSEC PERMIS and BSEC-URTA, the BSEC Permit’s quota increased from 24.800 to 40.800 samples for 2023. Therefore 5.000 samples for each Member State and 800 samples for Armenia thanks to the positive approach by the member countries.
During the meeting, Member Countries decided to continue the efforts to expand the geographical coverage of the BSEC Permit and to convert the paper-based BSEC permit into digital in 2023. As it will be remembered, the BSEC permit is one of the pioneers of international road transport documents, and its digitalization process and planning realized since 2019.
In parallel with the goal of expanding the geographical coverage of the BSEC Permit, BSEC-URTA Member Associations AEBTRI (Bulgaria) and ABADA (Azerbaijan) representatives participated the meeting within the BSEC-URTA delegation and followed the meeting as the two crucial BSEC countries possessing important location in the BSEC logistic chain which is expected to be participating member countries to the BSEC permit system along Greece.
At the end of the meeting, BSEC congratulated BSEC-URTA as an organization and International Secretariat, IRU for their comprehensive work for the development of the BSEC permit system and thanked them for printing the Quota of BSEC permits-2023 as well as its delivery to BSEC headquarters within the soonest time.