
Election of President of BSEC-URTA Mr. Eduart Kasa as ANALTIR President

Mr. Eduart Kasa was elected as President of ANALTIR during the General Assembly held in Tiran on 29th April 2022 for 3 years term of office.

The Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Mr. Erdi VELIU honored the General Assembly.

The BSEC-URTA was represented by its Secretary-General Mehmet Uylukcu and Mr. Adrian Albu representing IRU, and our members OFAE and AMERIT also participated in this significant day of Albanian international road transporters from the BSEC-URTA family.

BSEC-URTA while heartily congratulating Mr. Kasa for his election as ANALTIR President supports the trust of the Albanian logistics sector in him, wishing him all the luck on his post!

May Mr. Kasa and Albanian transporters fulfill all their goals!

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