Working Together for a better future :39th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly Held In Istanbul

The 39th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Istanbul on 27 May 2022 in a hybrid format.
Esteemed guests, BSEC Deputy Secretary General H.E. Amb. Lazar Comanescu, IRU Secretary General Umberto De Pretto, General Director for Regulation on Transport Services, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey Mr. Murat Bastor, strengthened the General Assembly with their participation under the tradition and spirit of BSEC-URTA partnership with IRU and BSEC.
BSEC-URTA General Assembly thanked the Honorary President of BSEC-URTA, Mr. Vladimir Florea, and the Former Secretary General of BSEC-URTA, Mr. Adrian Iosif Albu for their participation and contribution to the meeting.
The General Assembly evaluated the BSEC-URTA activities since its previous meeting, held on 25 November 2021, approved the Minutes of its 38th Meeting, the Report of the BSEC-URTA Auditors, and took note of the verbal report on the outcome of the meeting of the BSEC-URTA Management Council held before the General Assembly. The General Assembly also took note of the information on activities of the BSEC-URTA Working Group on Digitalization of Transport Documents and appreciated the good cooperation and coordination with the BSEC Organization and IRU for the facilitation of border crossing at main BSEC land and maritime routes.
The General Assembly underlined the importance of the establishment of the above Working Group, as a real practical platform for discussions on possible digital solutions. In that regard, it was reiterated that there is no alternative to digitalization and automation of procedures for international transport, which is to a large extent still based on paper documents.
As the most current problem of BSEC transporters, the border crossing problems, the BSEC-URTA General Assembly took note of the information provided by the International Secretariat on the impact of the current regional crisis on the road transport sector in the BSEC region. As this situation created an extreme and unbearable increase in the waiting times of trucks and professional drivers at the border crossing points which are counted not only in hours but in days, the General Assembly instructed the International Secretariat to draft a resolution on border crossing problems to be circulated to the members and observers and after its endorsement and signature, to be submitted to the International Official Organizations.
The next meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly is decided to be held in autumn 2022 (date tbc) in Greece, upon the kind invitation of the President of OFAE, Mr. Apostolos Kenanidis.
Decisions of the 39th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly :