BSEC-URTA proudly informs: Ro-Pax Between Türkiye and Romania will be in action by July

BSEC-URTA is a strong follower for the more robust chains in the BSEC region and for any developments that will contribute to the ease of congestion of BSEC border crossings and new steps strengthening intermodal transport in the BSEC region.
In this parallel, BSEC-URTA lobbied for the development of the line through the official authorities of Türkiye and Romania, International Organizations, Port Authorities, and DP World.
And now, the shipping agency Sea Lines informed BSEC-URTA that the Union’s initiatives and efforts crowned by the first Ro-Pax ships that will depart from Karasu to Constanza on 3 July 2024; the vessel will depart from Karasu and Constanza at 2-day regular intervals.
The transit time will be 12 hours from one port to another.
The transporters that want to use the Ro-Pax line might contact [email protected],