BSEC’s Press Release on the 2022 ITF Annual Consultations demonstrated the coordinated cooperation among BSEC, IRU, and BSEC-URTA

BSEC PERMIS participated at the “2022 ITF Annual Consultation with International Organizations”, held in a virtual format with the purpose to engage in a dialogue with partner international organizations on the main themes that should be addressed during the 2022 ITF Summit on “Transport for Inclusive Societies”.
His Excellences BSEC PERMIS Secretary General, Ambassador Lazăr COMĂNESCU during his intervention on the topic, underlined the importance of transport for global economies and the strong cooperation of BSEC taken with its transport partner organizations, first of all, with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the Union of Road Transport Associations in the BSEC region (BSEC-URTA) reffering IRU Emergency Resolution of 4th November 2021 was also stressed by his Excellences to the participants.
For BSEC’s press release on the 2022 ITF annual consultations please check the attachment.