
BSEC-URTA was with the Young Diplomats and presented the importance of connectivity in the BSEC region

BSEC-URTA was invited to the workshop for Young Diplomats from the BSEC Member States on the importance of connectivity in the wider Black Sea Region as a speaker.

This significant event is organized by  Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Türkiye (KAS)   in cooperation with the Permanent Internatıonal Secretarıat Of The Organızatıon Of The Black Sea Economıc Cooperatıon (BSEC PERMIS) and BSEC-URTA Deputy Secretary General Alpdogan Kahraman participated in this event with a presentation sharing the BSEC-URTA values and initiatives for finding Common Solutions for Common Problems on 5th October 2023 in Antalya.

In his presentation, Alpdogan Kahraman emphasized the importance of cooperation over confrontation and engagement over isolation, sharing the ideology of BSEC-URTA. He highlighted the organization’s structure and members, focusing on the crucial role of connectivity road transport, smooth border crossings, and the need for digital and facilitated driver visas. Kahraman’s presentation illuminated the significance of BSEC-URTA’s principles in a world crisis, where unity and collaboration are essential for progress.

During his presentation, Alpdogan Kahraman gave information about the BSEC-URTA promotional sticker dedicated to the drivers for their bravery and courage and the essence of the IRU Grand Prix d’honneur that is dedicated to the drivers and thanked young diplomats and diplomats of the BSEC region for their critical presence and assistance to transport sector during the hard times of the world, contributing to connectivity through diplomacy and foreign relations.

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