BSEC-URTA shared its comments on seamless transport with the Business Community
It was significant for the logistics community that the first event of the BSEC Business Council for the Turkish chairmanship-in-office was on logistics.
The Logistical Cooperation Workshop was realized by the valuable efforts of BSEC BC, with the participation of essential figures from trade and logistics, where the business and logistics world find a platform to discuss important areas where two important factors development depend on each other.
Secretary General Mehmet Uylukcu realized a presentation in the session, “Digitalization and seamless border crossings: smart connectivity.”
Mr. Uylukcu shared with the business community the importance of logistics for the growth of trade in the BSEC region and its connection with the other areas, focusing on the importance of smooth border crossings in the BSEC regions, the urgent need for facilitated and digitalized customs operations and transport documents.
The Secretary General presented the significant achievements of BSEC-URTA, such as its active role in the ECO Caravan and the development of BSEC Permits in excellent cooperation with BSEC PERMIS, and the joint efforts to digitalize the road permits.