
Mission Accomplished: 40.800 BSEC Permits for 2023, designed, prepared, packed, and delivered by BSEC-URTA to BSEC PERMIS

Every year BSEC-URTA International Secretariat team personally prepares BSEC permits with security holograms for its members and transporters enthusiastically to serve transportation and trade in the region.

This year the job was tougher as the quota of BSEC permits rose to 40.800 by the positive attitude proving the solidarity among the member countries participating in the project and BSEC-URTA International Secretariat’s efforts.

BSEC-URTA International Secretariat delivered the Permits to BSEC Organization 21 days in advance to facilitate the operations of the BSEC transporters before the deadline of 15th December 2022 given to BSEC-URTA.

BSEC Organization on its part will arrange the official distribution through diplomatic channels to 9 Members participating in the BSEC Permit System.

Please click download buttom below for the serial numbers of the 2023 BSEC Permits

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