BSEC-URTA supports Inter-modal Transport in the BSEC region
BSEC-URTA participated in the online Task Force on Intermodal Transportation of BSEC meeting on 12 March 2024.
BSEC-URTA participated in the meeting by providing information on the current border crossing problems and suggested that intermodal transport, an intersection point where all modes of transport are joined, can solve the current issues in BSEC logistic chains.
BSEC-URTA especially underlined the importance of appropriate port costs, increased customs capacity, availability of convenient resting areas for the drivers, and sharing and promoting good examples of Intermodal transport in the BSEC region can be the key.
BSEC-URTA shared its efforts during 2024 to develop Ro-Ro / Ro-Pax lines in the Black Sea Region, mainly between Georgia, Türkiye, Romania, and Ukraine.
Iro Doumani from the BSEC-URTA family participated in the meeting with Secretary General Mehmet Uylukcu and Deputy Secretary General Alpdogan Kahraman.
Miss Doumani presented e-CMR projects in Greece and how Greece works to achieve paperless transport with e-CMR and underlined that digitalization should be applied within Intermodal transport.