Intermodal Can Be a Solution to the Congested Border Crossings: BSEC-URTA Participated in the Task Force on Intermodal Transport

BSEC-URTA participated in the BSEC Working Task Force online meeting on Intermodal Transport by its Secretary General Mehmet Uylukcu and Deputy Secretary General Alpdogan Kahraman on 25th April 2023.
Alpdogan Kahraman realized a presentation on behalf of BSEC-URTA and depicted the current problems of international road transport, from the perspective of congested border crossings and obstacles in front of the development of intermodal transport mainly due to the high charges in the BSEC ports compared to the other European and Baltic ports, incentives that might be put in place for the development of Intermodal transport.
Secretary General Mehmet Uylukcu during his speech underlined the Logistic Performance Index Rank of the BSEC countries and stated that investments in the Infrastructure and the application of Customs Facilitation Tools in the BSEC Intermodal ports can contribute to the development of Intermodal Transport in the BSEC region.