BSEC-URTA proudly presents 2024 BSEC Permits

As a tradition, every year, the BSEC-URTA International Secretariat team personally prepares BSEC permits for its members and transporters to serve transportation and trade in the region.
In this regard, BSEC-URTA prepared the agreed quota of 40,800 BSEC permits for 2024. The permits were delivered to BSEC PERMIS on December 8, 2023, ahead of the given deadline to BSEC-URTA.
During the preparations for 2024 BSEC Permits, BSEC-URTA member TOBB-UND’s lovely personnel participated enthusiastically in the preparation of the permits.
BSEC-URTA sincerely thanks TOBB-UND personnel for their enthusiastic contribution to preparing the permits under the motto of BSEC-URTA: Common Solutions to Common Problems.