BSEC-URTA Working Group realized its third meeting: ePermit is under focus

BSEC-URTA Working Group on Digitalization of Road Transport held its third meeting online on 22.09.2022.
Two significant figures and experts from the BSEC-URTA Family, Miss Viliana Ivanova (AEBTRI, Bulgaria), and Mr. Behnam Faramarzian (ICCIMA, Iran) presented the current processes and latest developments in the area of digitalization of customs and transport in their countries.

Miss Ivanova in her presentation titled “Digitalization of Road Transport in Bulgaria, Latest Developments and Trends” informed the working group members on the process of digitalization in Bulgaria and shared good examples of digitalized services by the Bulgarian Transport and Customs Administrations. Miss Ivanova also presented the obstacles again to developing e-CMR, eTIR, and e-Permits in Bulgaria and BSEC Region.

The working group’s next presentation was realized by Mr. Behnam Faramarzian. Mr. Faramarzian the perspective of Iran gave information about the current digitalization processes in the country. As the contributor to the very successful projects of eTIR between Türkiye and Iran, Mr. Faramarzian gave information about TIR Convention Workshop for the delegation of Iraq, the First Intermodal Digital TIR Pilot Transport between India and Iran in INSRC Corridor.

The BSEC-URTA Working Group also hosted honorable guests and experts. As proof of continuous and valuable support of BSEC PERMIS to BSEC-URTA, Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Mr. Dimitrios Rallis and Project Coordinator Mr. Sergii Kravchenko, TRACECA officials participated in the third meeting of the BSEC-URTA Digital Working Group.

One of the main topics of the Working Group was the development of e-permit in the BSEC region. In this regard, BSEC-URTA Working Group on Digitalization invited the pioneers of e-permit studies whom realized the successful trials between Türkiye and Uzbekistan.
Upon the invitation of the BSEC-URTA Working Group, the Head Of Department at Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Mr. Hasan Boz, Uzbekistan Ministry of Transport representatives, and AIRCUZ (Association Of International Road Carriers Of Uzbekistan) participated the meeting and shared the current situation of ePermit trials and possible ways to make ePermit operational.