BSEC-URTA Thanked North Macedonian Customs Authorities For The Application of the “One Stop Shop” Concept in the BSEC region
International road transport in the BSEC region is in certain need of the application of facilitation and digitalization tools, especially in customs and more importantly for the Border Crossings Points.
BSEC-URTA Delegation visited the North Macedonian Custom Representatives to discuss these ways from the North Macedonian perspective.
Mr. Gorgi Naumovski, Head of the Department for Border and transit formalities, and Mr. Oleg Josifov, Chief of inquiry service/ National transit coordinator accepted BSEC-URTA delegation and gave important information in the area of Customs in North Macedonia.
Mr. Naumovski informed the BSEC-URTA delegation that the “One Stop Shop” successfully started between the border of Serbia and North Macedonia, and efforts to apply this important facilitation tool in other Border Crossing Points continue with Albania and Hellenic Republic. Also informed the works on the facilitation tools of Single Access, Single Window, and electronic signature are presented to the use of North Macedonian transporters.
BSEC-URTA delegation noted all these developments and present the Union’s readiness to cooperate and work especially on the application of a “One Stop Shop” between North Macedonia and the Hellenic Republic, which will be an important customs facilitation tool between an EU and non-EU member country, as queues are generally observed in the BSEC region, especially between EU and non-EU member countries.
On the occasion of the visit, BSEC-URTA invited the representatives of the Customs of North Macedonia to its Working Party on Border Crossing Points planned to be realized on 21st March 2023 to promote and extend good examples in the BSEC region as a “One Stop Shop”.