The heartfelt condolences on the loss of BSEC-URTA founding fathers Mr.Georgi Petrov
We at BSEC-URTA are shocked by the loss of Mr. Georgi Petrov, one of the founders of BSEC-URTA.
All of us, employees of the International Secretariat, express our sincere condolences to the family of Georgi Petrov and all the staff of AEBTRI.
Mr. Georgi Petrov was one of the founders of BSEC-URTA and was within the BSEC-URTA family since 2001 and several terms its Vice-president. He held the position of Chairman of AEBTRI Board of Directors (2001-2013), Member of IRU Presidential Executive (2008-2013)
Mr. Petrov was a great sportsman and a significant leader with management experience in the field of road transport.
The loss of Mr. Georgi Petrov will be felt by many. He will always be in our hearts and memories.
We sincerely share grief of his family and AEBTRI and mourn.